1999 Weather in Historical Perspective
Kearny,  NJ


Temperature Data 
High 64.3 Low 46.7
Average Yearly 55.5
Departure From Normal +1.4
Highest 102 on Jul 2 
Lowest 7 on Jan 2 


Number of Days With  
Maximum 32F or Below 32
Maximum 90F or Above 28
Minimum 32F or Below 85
Minimum 0F or Below 0    
Precipitation .01 or More 105

Snow & Ice 1.0 or More 3
Heavy Fog 1/4 mi. or Less 7 
Thunderstorms 20
Clear 202
Partly Cloudy 97
Cloudy 66


Heating Degree Days
Total This Year 4614
Departure From Normal -562
Normal 5176 


Cooling Degree Days
Total This Year 1255 
Departure From Normal +51 
Normal 1204 



Precipitation Data
Total for the Year 43.70
Departure From Normal -2.78
Normal 46.48

24-Hours 5.98 on Sep 16


Wind Data
Average Speed 6.1 
Average Direction SSW 
Fastest 53 
Direction SE
Date Nov 2

Snow & Ice  
Snow & Ice Total 6.1
Departure From Normal -24.5
Normal 30.6

24 Hours 2.3 on Jan 8

Pressure Data
Highest 30.88 on Jan 31
Lowest 29.09 on Sep 16
Averaged 30.02

1999:The temperature averaged 55.5°F and was 1.4°F above normal. 1999 ranked as the 5th warmest year on record and the warmest since 1983. The winter season averaged 3.9°F above normal and ranked as the 5th warmest such season on record since 1977. The winter season was also the warmest since the warmest since the 1990-91 season. Spring 1999 ranked as the 11th coldest such season on record since 1977 and the coldest 1995. The Summer season ranked as the 6th warmest such season on record since 1977 and the warmest since 1977. July 1999 tied with July 1993 as the warmest such month on record. The month of August ranked as the 10th coldest such month on record since 1977 and the coldest since 1977. Autumn 1999 ranked as the 5th warmest such season on record since 1977 and the warmest since 1984. Temperature extremes included 102°F on July 5th and 7°F on January 2nd. The year averaged 55.5°F and was 1.4°F above normal. The year ranked as the 5th warmest year on record since 1977 and the warmest since 1983.

Precipitation in 1999 was highly variable. It totaled 43.70 inches and was .82 inches below normal. 1999 ranked as the 12th driest such year on record since 1977 and the driest since 1997. The winter ranked as the 9th wettest such season on record since 1976-77 and the wettest since 1988-89 season. Spring 1999 ranked as the 5th driest such season on record and the driest since 1987. Precipitation totaled only 10.39 inches. Summer 1999 ranked as the driest such season on record since 1977 and the driest since 1998. The period July through August only 5.59 inches of rain fell and ranked as the driest such period on record since 1977. Measurable precipitation fell on only 15 days during the season. During the Autumn season a total of 14.72 inches and was 3.60 inches above normal. Autumn 1999 ranked as the 3rd wettest such season on record and the wettest since 1977. September ranked as the wettest such month on record since 1977. October 1999 ranked as the 11th driest such month on record and November ranked as the 10th driest such month on record. Measurable precipitation fell on 105 days. The most to fall in a 24-hour period was 5.98 inches on September 6th. Snowfall during the year was light with only 6.1 inches and was 24.5 inches below normal. The winter 1998-99 tied with the 1997-98 season as the 2nd least snowiest winter on record since 1976-76. The month of February tied 3rd as the least snowiest such month of record since the 1976-77 season.


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